Elisa is the fayrest Quene In 1558 the hopes and dreams of the English people for a better society, after the ravages of the reign of Queen Mary, were intertwined with their aspirations for the new Tudor monarch, Elizabeth. Over the next forty-five years she was to prove herself one of the most able of the Tudors, securing both international respect and the affection of her subjects. More... |
In Venetia The opportunity to record music which is both challenging, good to listen to and fun to play requires a certain degree of balance and judging by the reception in Classic FM music magazine, we have come some way towards achieving this on In Venetia. The disc is primarily devoted to Giovanni Gabrieli's contemporaries Giovanni Picchi and Giovanni Priuli. More... |
Fire burning in snow ‘For fire burning in snow is the effect of love’. The final line of Juan de Araujo’s Dime, amor gives this recording its title and conjures up the passion and dramatic contrasts which make this disc such a delight. Araujo has been described by many commentators as the greatest Latin American composer of the age, although much of his music is still rarely performed. More... |
Moon, sun & all things Ex Cathedra and Jeffrey Skidmore unearth more fascinating treasures with this latest anthology of Latin American music from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The works on this disc were chosen from the vast amount of extraordinary repertoire Jeffrey Skidmore discovered on research visits to the USA, Mexico and Bolivia. More... |
New World Symphonies Following the discovery of the Americas, Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church was established with incredible speed. Many of the Native Indians were part of highly sophisticated civilizations, most notably the Aztecs and the Incas, and were very responsive to the new ideas, especially music, which was already an important social and spiritual element in their lives. More... |
Henry's Music While Henry Tudor’s reputation is today largely that of the tyrant, in the first 20 years of his reign he was perhaps one of the greatest royal patrons of the musical arts in all of Europe. This recording contains works written for Henry and by Henry. Alamire, Andrew Lawrence-King, QuintEssential and Clare Wilkinson combine to offer a fitting tribute to England’s most musical king. More... |
Ludwig Senfl: Missa Paschalis; Motetten & Lieder From the ancient church of St Emmeram in Regensburg, Bavaria, comes this new recording of music for the Emperor Maximilian I. An Easter Mass by court composer Ludwig Senfl (c1486-1543) is sung by the acclaimed Choir of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. They are joined on this occasion by QuintEssential, playing ancient brass instruments. More... |